Admission Procedure

Application form for Registration is attached with the prospectus. The school prospect is available on the Reception of the school. The application along with Registration Fee is to be submitted in the school. The Registration form can be downloaded from the school website also. The Registration Fee is non- refundable. However, this process of registration does not guarantee of admission.

VSSS is following the view examination pattern which has been introduced by CBSE XII
Payment of Fee
The school fee should be paid in your installment i.e.
• 1st - April-June
• 2nd-July-September
• 3rd-October-Decmber
• 4th-January-March

• The school fee should be paid before of the particular month after that fine will be charged.
• The school session starts from 1st of April. So fees will be charged from 1st April, unless paid in some other recognized institution a certificate is to be provide in that case Parents/Guardians will preserve the fee receipt of them and produce them in proof of payment, if required.